Rebalance Fit – Reach your full potential

Surfing is absolutely one of the most exciting and unique sports ever invented, but over time can lead to chronic and acute injuries. Joel Steinman a specialized sports medicine doctor and surfer explains “it is critical to consider the risk of muscular imbalance, which can cause chronic injuries in the future” Many sports stimulate disproportionate development, that is, one side of the body becomes more developed than the other side. Particular muscles are repeatedly stressed and overworked, which can lead to muscle shortening, antagonist muscle dysfunction, postural imbalances, musculoskeletal issues and overuse injuries.

What happens when we surf if we do not have a well-balanced training program?

  • Tension in the lumbar muscles (lower back) become shortened and weak
  • Hamstrings shorten and become weak
  • If abdominals are not well trained become weak, particularly the lower abdominals
  • Tension and tightness of the back muscular chain
  • Imbalance in the hip muscles
  • Increased cervical and lumbar lordosis
  • Anterior pelvic tilt
  • Degeneration of the joints and deformation of the spinal column
  • intervertebral disks premature and aging of the bone structure
  • Shortening effect on the muscle, which leads to injury and or excess inhibition of their antagonists.
  • Muscular tension of neck joints
  • Restriction of movement

it is believed 90% of surfers will have some type of back problem during their lives that requires medical attention (surfing and health 2009) Dr Steinman also states that many sports injuries in children can be prevented by a program that combines balanced strength and flexibility training.

If you want to have a well balanced training program, which focuses on correcting surfing specific musculoskeletal problems and postural imbalances to help prevent injuries, rather than continuously overusing and loading the same specific muscles, used in other surfing drills. The program will Improve surfing fitness, coordination, balance, explosive power, strength, strength endurance and reaction skills, needed for surfing at a top level, then contact Angie at Rebalance Fit for the surfing specific corrective fitness program now.

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